Interactive Native Content: future of marketing your brand?


As brand marketers, there is one common goal that everyone tries to achieve: Brand Awareness. What better time to be doing that than in this current digital era where the Internet can allow you to reach people more efficiently? Yes, however, with the increasing number of saturated markets out there, marketers must figure out a way to market their brand efficiently to the right audience to promote growth.

How? One-way that’s been increasing in popularity among marketers is Interactive marketing. Interactive marketing is the opposite of passive marketing where marketers would publish their branded content and then wait for results. Interactive marketing allows you to break down the barriers static content types present and unlock more creative ways to tell your brand’s story. Rather than simply tell your story to your audience, interactivity lets them have a conversation with your brand. This allows audience to have a dialogue with the brand rather than just reading your content.

When this is complemented by the use of Nature Content, it allows marketers to measure engagement and to learn user behavior in the most natural user environment possible.

An example of where Interactive Marketing is effectively used is the travelling industry. Tully Luxury Travel for instance, introduced a microsite that takes its readers on a journey through different vacation spots around the world and learn about each destination through different Point-of-Views. These POV’s allow them to choose their own narrative and control and interact with the story.


The interactivity element of interactive marketing produces all kinds of data in real time and allows marketers to learn the users behavior and make in time changes on the go. This cannot be done through an analytical technology from research third party tools that can analyze these data and provide insights, which marketers can then analyze and give them the ability to edit their content in real time.

In conclusion, interactive native content helps marketers build their brand more effectively by making their marketing efforts much more targeted and beneficial through the provision of a lot of real-time data. The native character allows marketers to adapt their advertising content to the audience’s evolving content consumption habits/behavior and finally, the analytics help them to make the most out of the data obtained.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below! What do you think about Interactive content? What impact has it had on the perception of your favorite brand?

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