Do Not Disturb!!


Don’t you just hate it when you see those annoying advertising material just pops up out of nowhere while you are playing a game on your tablet or just browsing the Internet? I know I do, a lot of times, this has prompted me to playing my games on aeroplane mode to avoid these pop-up ads.

Pop-up ads are the most annoying type of online advertising and online users are increasingly trying to block these sources and protect their online privacy. As a result, many of those good quality online advertisers have to suffer as they fail to engage the already annoyed users due to no fault of their own. Many social media platforms such as Facebook have taken measures to transfer the data-sharing control from the publisher to the consumers through the introduction of the “Do not Track” options on their sites.

This is when Permission Marketing may also provide an amazing solution for those advertisers. This is when advertisers get an express consent from the consumers to receive further information on their advertisement. This is as opposed to a pop-up ad, which is a form of “interruptive marketing” where a prospective customer gets interrupted in the midst of their online activities with unwanted ad information. The consent of permission marketing boosts the chance that the advertisement will be accepted and successful, while interruptive marketing only annoys consumers and prompt them to block the advertisements rather than watch it. This proves to be a menace to those good online marketers who are very thoughtful in using online advertising and permission marketing might be the best solution for this.


In conclusion, marketers should start looking at Permission Marketing as remedy/solution to the tainted reputation of online advertising due to interruptive marketing. Permission Marketing gives consumers power over what they want to share and who they want to share it with. Furthermore, advertisers are allowed to better access a target audience that is more likely to be receptive to their advertising material and reduces the chance of their advertising getting “blocked” and hence wasting the budget they’ve invested into these ads.

What’s the most annoying experience you guys have had with online advertising? and how does permission marketing have improved your engagement with online advertising?

Share your thoughts and comments below!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. maduriblog says:

    Grammerly. It is just over advertiser maybe because I am a student, but i have seen that add at least 50+ times. After a point it gets very irritating mainly because it is a very long ad and now I have negative associations towards Grammerly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yoskev says:

      Yes certainly. I agree with you. I think the level of frequency of the emails can also be a factor that can end up annoying you as they send too many emails over a short amount of period!

      Liked by 1 person

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