Mobile Marketing: How to do it The Right Way?



Don’t you just feel that there’s something missing when you don’t have your mobile phone with you? Yes, I know I do, it’s like missing a body part if you wanna be extreme. :D. We live in a very mobile world and it’s essential that companies get the mobile experience right for their customers.


To highlight the absolute importance of creating a great mobile experience in this age, here are some statistics:


  • Statistics portal Statista predicts that there will be nearly 223 million smartphone users in the US in 2017, with over 2 billion users worldwide.
  • Breaking down the smartphone owners, 92 percent of people in the US ages 18 to 29 own one, according to Pew Research Center. That number drops slightly to 88 percent for those 30 to 49, 74 percent of 50- to 64-year-olds, and not surprisingly, only 42 percent of those 65+. That first group — also known as “millennials” — is the fastest-growing demographic right now and is taking over the workforce and “the customer” for more and more businesses.
  • Flurry Analytics recently released data citing that US consumers spend more than five hours per day on average on their mobile device. For most people, that is a third of their time awake.


However, the mobile world is continuously evolving and mobile marketers must always keep up with the changes. Having said that, here are 5 of the mistakes that marketers must avoid when it comes to mobile marketing:


  1. Creating mobile and web experiences separately

People use their mobile and desktop differently as both hold different functions. According to eMarketer, 75 percent of US Internet users will access the web via both their mobile phones and their desktops. Thus, marketers must make sure they both complement each other.


  1. Assuming your company needs a mobile app.

Not all companies need an app! Apps are good and there a lot of successful ones out there, but if you feel like you don’t have an active niche following that cares enough about your brand to download an app, don’t do it! It’s just gonna be a waste! On the contrary, if you require a greater functionality and customers need to be able to use them when there’s no connectivity like Spotify and Uber, mobile app is the way to go.


  1. Mistaking “mobile first” for “mobile at all costs”

Mobile is important, but not always. Depending on the audience and where you expect the customers to interact with the company, mobile may still have a role, but maybe not the most crucial. This is why you have to take a “customer-first” approach. For example, if your audience is mainly is above 65, then a mobile app may not be that important.


  1. Forgetting to localise content, design and experiences.

What works in Australia may not necessarily work in Asia.


  1. Lacking a data collection/aggregation plan

Companies must have a clear plan on how they will collect and harvest their mobile data. With a great data collecting plan, marketers can receive mobile data insights which can help guide their business and help plan for the future.


There are a lot more mobile mistakes that companies can make, but due to word limit I can’t list them all. Essentially, companies must evaluate their business carefully to determine whether a mobile app is necessary or not. One good way is to talk to a consultation agency and see if you have the right mobile strategy.


What are your guys’ favourite mobile apps? Why do you guys like to use these apps so much and what benefits does it give you?

2 Comments Add yours

  1. maduriblog says:

    The main benefit is convenience and the ease of portability of the app. I personally love uber app that made life so much easier than anyone thought.


  2. yoskev says:

    Yes I agree! Uber gives me a peace of mind when I have to come home late at night as I don’t own a car haha


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